Gateway Experiences

Gateway Experiences
Thompson Hall arches


Honors Gateway Experiences put community first.

These experiences are designed to help new Honors students build connections with fellow students, staff, and faculty while gaining new knowledge and skills. 

►Each Honors student needs to complete 4 Gateway Experiences

►Once these 4 experiences are complete, you'll receive 2 Honors Units

►Some Gateway offerings are multi-part, allowing you create strong bonds with fellow students and earn multiple Gateway Experiences

►Find and register for current offerings in the HUDD

Gateway Offerings Include:
  • Book, Film, Cooking, and Writing Clubs
  • Hikes and other outdoor adventures
  • Informational gatherings about campus resources and opportunities
  • Destressing sessions
  • Tours of campus agricultural areas
  • HOOT (Honors Outdoor Orientation Trip)--a Pre-Arrival Experience
  • Participation in the Honors Undergraduate Social Council
  • Mindfulness and meditation sessions
  • Art gallery and theater trips
  • And  more!