Judicial Affairs

The Judicial Affairs Council oversees issues relating to campus safety, law enforcement, and the student conduct system.  The Judicial Affairs Council is charged with leading the Student Senate’s oversight of the Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities (SRRR), and investigates proposed changes from Administrators that require Student Senate’s approval. The Judicial Affairs Council formulates policies and initiatives aimed at tackling these issues.

The Judicial Affairs Council is responsible for liaising with:

  1. The University of New Hampshire Police Department
  2. The Durham Police Department
  3. The Office of Community Standards
chris headshot

Christopher Josefowitch

Judicial Affairs Council Chairperson
Office Hours: TBD

Policy Goals: Bettering the relationship between students and the police, increasing communication between the office of community standards and police, and making students aware of the resources in the police and community standards office


  • Jenny Whitcomb (Student Senator)
  • Shay Gillis (Student Senator)
  • Killian Franklin (Student Senator)
  • Chris Josephowitch (Student Senator)
  • Rachel Rowley (Student Senator)
  • Anthony Bilodeau (Student Senator)

Recent Resolutions

Resolution Name Date Passed
R.44.05 Thank You From the Judicial Affairs Council 10/23/2022
R.44.28 Regarding Updating the Active Shooter Policy  03/26/2023